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The Joint Committee for Tertiary Education (JCTE) had their Annual Awards Ceremony on December 10, 2018 and Montego Bay Community College copped the coveted title for Educator of the year and second runner up Student of the year for 2018. Mr. O’Neil Nelson won the award for the Educator of the Year title and Miss Moesha...
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Montego Bay Community College’s Graduation Ceremony
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In spite of academics distinctly coming first at Montego Bay Community College, students know that life at MBCC is not all work and no play. With more than 20 clubs and societies on campus the College provides an array of co-curricular activities for students with a range of interests. At MBCC we stress to students...
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The clichéd quote, “Heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight; but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night” composed by Shakespeare of Old is insufficient to describe Jamilia Brown. Jamilia is a second-year student at the Montego Bay Community College and the president of the...
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“Trends in Technology: Remaining Relevant in a Dynamic Business Environment” Harnessing technology and innovation to inspire positive changes took the spotlight when students from the Montego Bay Community College recently staged their 2016 Faculty of Business Conference at the Grandiosa Hotel in Montego Bay. However, it was emphasised to the students, who came from both...
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MONTEGO BAY, St JamesFour designers, over 100 pieces and 50 models graced the runway with designs that left the audience in awe last Thursday, as the Montego Bay Community College staged its annual fashion show and dance. Applause and ovations resounded for the creativity on display, spearheaded by the vision and guidance of Ann-Marie Burgess...
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The College offers an Associate Degree in Agricultural Technology and Bachelor’s Degrees in Environmental Studies and Plant Science. We use this event to showcase our offerings in this field and to promote the College as an avenue to pursue an accredited qualification in these areas. This year we showcased the produce at our agricultural plot...
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The Spanish Festival is hosted in an effort to encourage Spanish among the students. MBCC offers Spanish as a course and all students on this day have to express themselves in Spanish depicting food, dance and poetry. The event is part sponsored by the Spanish Foundation of Jamaica and also attracts the Spanish Ambassador to...
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