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Faculty of Business & General Studies Conference 2016

“Trends in Technology: Remaining Relevant in a Dynamic Business Environment”

Harnessing technology and innovation to inspire positive changes took the spotlight when students from the Montego Bay Community College recently staged their 2016 Faculty of Business Conference at the Grandiosa Hotel in Montego Bay.

However, it was emphasised to the students, who came from both the Montego Bay and Frome campuses, that to access these potential avenues and stay relevant in the ever-changing job market, technology has to be utilised efficiently by individuals and businesses through the use of smartphones and other gadgets.

Those sentiments were reflected in the event’s theme, ‘Trends in Technology: Remaining Relevant in a Dynamic Business Environment.’

“The technology is there because of us, but we are not deriving the value that needs to be derived,” said guest speaker Douglas Williamson, senior IT manager at Xerox. “If you continue to not embrace the technology, then you are guaranteed to get left behind.”

“You have just finished your first sprint, so do not put away your running shoes,” Williamson implored the students, who are all eyeing successful careers in the IT sector. “You must have the ability to seek out and acquire the tools and skills necessary for change, even outside the school. Assume an attitude of lifelong learning.”

Following the conference, Delano Bailey, one of the students who participated, told the Western Focus that the overall message has given him a different outlook on how he plans to prepare himself for the job market.

“The aspects that caught my attention the most was the Internet and social media and how we utilise them to network for the world of work,” said Bailey. “I also got an appreciation of how important it was for businesses to effectively market products using the correct media.”

Another student, Shanique Kerr, who was also quite enthused by the experience, says she is ready to go out and tackle changing times, albeit, she has already set personal goals.

“… personal goals must also adapt and change to ensure a steady growth of not just the individuals, but his or her company and economy,” noted Kerr. “I am preparing myself to adapt and change, where that approach is needed.”  >>Source<<