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Nine students of Montego Bay Community College benefit from $290K worth of grants

In light of the many challenges 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon us globally, N.C.B.Foundation was even more driven in supporting and providing for the educational needs of our youth islandwide. Upon receiving a request for academic assistance from the Montego Bay Community College, a total of J$290K worth of.grants were provided for nine students at the institution. The students are
pursuing studies in a variety of disciplines inclusive of Business Administration, Hospitality and Tourism, and Social Work and are all performing very well in their programmes, with an average GPA of over 3.0. for the group.

The N.C.B. Foundation is proud to assist and provide support in the continued studies of our nation’s youth, in line with its core values of commitment to advancing education and community development islandwide. The Montego Bay Community College, the University College of Western Jamaica, is an institution that opens doors and opportunities for students in a variety of disciplines, and by providing this support, N.C.B. Foundation will assist in furthering the futures of these nine students.

>>source: Jamaica Observer