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MBCC’s Moesha Miller is a big deal!

President Miller!

Montego Bay Comm College Student Council is in good hands

One would be woefully mistaken if they confused the diminutive frame of Moesha Miller for anything other than strength, poise and a young woman with vision. This is what this budding leader represents and how she should be viewed. From Galloway District in Westmoreland, it is no accident that Moesha Miller now stands tall as the Student Council President of the Montego Bay Community College. She proudly flies the flag of her al mater, Mount Alvernia High School where her leadership qualities shone bright. Not only was she an outstanding student, she was also a stand out individual. Her attributes for leadership did not go unnoticed and was appointed as one of the prefects. Always diligent and focused, Moesha departed her al mater as one of the top performers for the Caribbean Examination Council in her year.

Those who dream keep dreaming but commit themselves to making those intangible visions real. When she enrolled in the Business Studies faculty at the Montego Bay Community College to pursue her Bachelor’s Degree, her talent and drive were quickly noticed. The small frame with the enormous confidence could be seen making presentations like a seasoned professional. She especially had a knack for marketing and this was obvious from the outset. With top performances after another, the reward was repeated awards for making the Principal’s Honour Roll, an accomplishment that every student thrives to achieve. Rewards are born from diligence and perseverance, a class that Moesha is capable of delivering, given that this seems to be her philosophy.

Call her a good student and a visionary leader but add to her accolades, philanthropist. She is a part of an independent outreach group in her community that mandates itself to be stewards of the less fortunate. Physical and financial resources may hamper the magnitude of their work but their hearts are in the right place and their tangible and emotional efforts are the evidences. This socially responsible aspect of her persona makes it easy for one to associate humility and selflessness to her appearance. Moesha, a young lady of strong faith, easily attributes her strength, personality and drive to her dependence on God. Firmly grounded in her Christian principles provides the foundation she relies on in almost every aspect of her life.

Montego Bay Community College was not the only organization to identify her drive and intellect and also her growing marketing skills. She is a part time Jamaica National Ambassador, a title she proudly and deservedly models. Again, her hard work and dedication was duly noticed. Currently, she is the Team Lead for all JN Ambassadors in the Western Region. This is an awesome accomplishment for a young lady in pursuit of her Bachelor’s Degree. Imagine what the future holds! Even though she was afforded this responsibility, she strikes the balance well between College and work. A typical college student may find greater pleasure in browsing social media or avoiding the responsibility of work but Moesha Miller is well ahead with the business of staying ahead.

Today, Moesha Miller stands tall and firm as the Student Council President and is the student representative on the College’s Board of Management. Nothing worth having is acquired without some degree of difficulty so while she excels she embraces that which challenges her. Her leadership style is one of democracy with an infusion of contingency. This earns her the respect of her peers and the confidence of her superiors. If a professional presentation is needed or if the College requires a student to address a group, perhaps the first name would be Moesha Miller. It is without a doubt that she has, and continues to make her parents and family proud but what she has also done is to make everyone who have taught or interacted wither, beam with the same pride.

Go forth Moesha. Accomplish what you may!

Written by: Casana Spence(Mr).